
Holiday Cookie Art You Can't Stop Watching

'Tis the season to bake cookies. Who am I kidding, it's always the season. But since it's the holidays, we have a special treat for you. Fellow Spoonie, Paige Rodgers created 10 amazingly addicting cookie art videos that you won't be able to stop watching. Are you ready for this?

Christmas Cookie Art

On top of being a creative genius when it comes to decorating cookies, Paige also has a secret recipe for the icing that she uses. One of her secret ingredients — meringue powder. She uses it to replace the use of an egg whites because egg whites offer the risk of salmonella poisoning. 

Paige says it's important to get the right consistency of the icing, in order to achieve a no-spread cookie so it can keep all the details of the cookie cutter. Too much meringue powder will make the icing set too hard. Too little meringue powder, and the icing will take much longer to set.

Cookie Presents

This is what I want under my Christmas tree. They even have a fun treat inside — no coal here!  

Gingerbread House Cookies

These gingerbread cookies have the cutest house ever. Can I live here?

Snowflake Cookies

If these were real snowflakes, I wouldn't mind if it started snowing. 

Snowman Cookies

The most fashionable snowman cookies in town. Watch out, Frosty.

Melting Snowman Cookies

Looks like Olaf isn't the only snowman who dreams of summer.

Sleigh Cookies

This sleigh can withstand all types of weather — rain, sleet, and milk. But can they hold Santa?

Reindeer Cookies

Spoon Hack: Gingerbread man cookie cutters can be used to make reindeers. What's up, Rudolph.

Candy Cane Cookie

Looks like a candy cane, tastes like a cookie. Best of both worlds. 

Christmas Tree Cookies

If only my actual tree looked (and tasted) this good.