
Chick-fil-A Just Dropped a New Frosted Drink, and It's Basically a Glowed up Orange Julius

True life: I used to have a real Chick-fil-A addiction. In high school, I went so often, the local Chick-fil-A general manager even got to know me by name (shout out to Debbie!). But since I moved to NYC a little while back, I cut back on the nuggets—partly because I don't leave near a Chick-fil-A, and partly because I started caring about my overall health. However, health schmealth, Chick-fil-A has a new frozen drink and I'm going today. 

Chick-fil-A's new Frosted Sunrise combines the chain's iconic vanilla Icedream (ice cream for you newbs) and Simply Orange orange juice. It's like the Frosted Lemonade, but they've substituted a different citrus. I have yet to try it, but I'm gonna guess that it's going to taste very similar to an Orange Julius, but you can get it without waiting in line at the mall food court. Unless your Chick-fil-A is in a mall—whatever, the added people watching is worth getting out of your car. 

According to Brand Eating, the Frosted Sunrise was previously tested in Jacksonville, FL and it was a huge success. Hence, it will now be available nationwide now through June 2. Yay for us! I'm betting you'll be able to hack the menu and still order this beyond that date though, because Chick-fil-A sells OJ year-round. 

The drink comes in two sizes, the smaller starting around $2.85. I'll be getting the large, and yeah, I guess I'll see you there? Yes? OK.