
Can Hopkins Students Recognize Cheap Beers?

Many students depend on cheap beer, the ultimate college staple, to get them through the weekends just as they rely on highly-caffeinated coffee to get them through the school week.

GIF by Sydney Gertzog

In July 2015, BuzzfeedVideo asked members of its staff, “Can you recognize your favorite college beer?” Inspired by such a relevant question, I sought out a group of brave Hopkins students to take on a similar challenge.

GIF by Sydney Gertzog

Allured by the free beer and the chance to drink during the day, six Hopkins students were willing to try and attempt to correctly identify the following cheap beers: Coors Light, Miller Lite, National Bohemian, Bud Light, and Natural Light.

GIF by Sydney Gertzog

Check out the video below to see how they did. You might be surprised by the end results.

**All participants in this video are 21 years old and over. Please drink responsibly.**


Interested in learning more about cheap beers? Check out the following articles: