
The Best Foods to Eat Before, During and After a Workout to Still Make it Count

Alright ladies and gents, summer is right around the corner. Well, almost. Either way, it’s never too early to start hitting the gym and working on that awesome summer beach body.

One of the best parts about going to the gym is the nom-alicious snacks that you should be indulging in, before, during and after your workout that come with zero guilt.

Here’s a list of snacks to cure all your pre, during, and post workout munchies:

The Pre:

For your pre workout snacks, you’re definitely going to want to make sure to pack in some carbs (the good kind, of course.)

“Healthy Elvis”

Photo by Danielle Allendorf

1 slice of whole wheat/grain toast with some yummy sliced banana and brain-power-boosting cinnamon.

The “Vermont Crunch”

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Try out some Greek yogurt, fruit, and some home-made granola (just make sure the granola isn’t all sugar).

The Juicer

Photo by Danielle Allendorf

Blend up the ingredients above into a killer post workout smoothie, or use your leftover fruit with this recipe

The Classic

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You can never go wrong with the classic, banana and peanut butter combo. If you’re getting bored, switch it up with different nut butters.

Breakfast Fiend

Photo by Danielle Allendorf

Throw some fruit on oatmeal and, if you’re really feeling adventurous add a strip of bacon in there ‘cuz why not? Just make sure you skip the gross and sugary instant oats and opt for a healthy alternative.

The “Wafflewich”

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*angels sing* This is an awesome combination of Kashi (or the like) waffle with some almond butter and jelly.



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Depending on what type of workout you’re pushing yourself through, you might need to munch even while sweating. Gels are great options for long-distance runners (plus they taste like gummy bears.)


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I know what you’re thinking… water isn’t “food.”But, it is super important in keeping your body healthy and hydrated during your workout.

The Bars

Photo by Danielle Allendorf

Protein bars and shakes are actually good to snack on while at the gym. As long as you keep your portions under control, the high-protein, low-carb ratio of some of these products are awesome for keeping your muscles strong. Not sure which to choose? Figure out what Clif bar flavor you are here.

The Post:

Happy Yogi Trail Mix

Photo by Danielle Allendorf


Blend ½ a handful of macadamia nuts, dark chocolate chips, dried coconut (unsweetened), and banana chips. You can always add any other dried fruit or other ingredients to make it your own creation.

Chocolate Milk

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You’ve definitely heard it before but here’s a pro tip: add some almond butter or a banana and mash it up in the blender and get ready for heaven on your taste buds.

“Everything Your Heart Desires” Omelette 

Photo by Danielle Allendorf

Mix 2 eggs with a sizable amount of whatever veggies/meat/beans you can find. Grab all your ingredients at the salad bar and use them for your omelette!

For the Kale Enthusiast

Photo by Danielle Allendorf

Sauteé together kale with some chicken, apples, and sunflower seeds. Feeling adventurous? Sautee them in coconut oil.

Hummus & Veggies

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There’s a ton of different kinds of hummus, from chili to avocado. Carrot sticks go great with any kind of hummus, but even apples can do the job. And if you’re really feeling up to it, it’s super easy to make yourself.

Just Remember:

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The most important part about snacking after a workout is to include protein and carbs. Protein will aid your tired muscles, while carbs prevent you from crashing right after.

If all else fails, there are always tons of protein bars out there to grab. Just make sure it has more protein than sugar!

Hungry for more?