
Best DC Hacks When You’re Tired AF of the Hotline

Like Plenary or Pinwheel day, getting sick of the DC is a rite of passage for every Haverford student.

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It’s second semester, and Chef Boyardee knows this is prime avoid-DC time. Thoughts of heading to Chipotle or Sweetgreen are dancing in our heads. However, the walk is an easy deterrent, as is the laziness, so here are a few options that avoid the monotony of the hotline:

1. Grilled Ham/Turkey/Vegetables/Cheese

Photo by Mike Carr

Use and abuse that Panini Press. It is always a viable option, as the DC gives us the salad bar at both lunch and dinner. My personal favorite is a grilled turkey and cheddar with either spicy mayo or pesto mayo.

If the sprayable vegetable oil is nowhere in sight, butter both sides of the bread, as this will give you the perfect golden brown crunch and will save your sandwich from falling apart in the press. To make your own spicy mayo, mix mayo and hot sauce together in a bowl. I use Frank’s, because you get the hot sauce taste without feeling like your mouth has spontaneously combusted.

2. Grilled PB & J

Photo by Nicole Witte

You know the deal.

3. Grilled PB & Banana

Photo by Devon Flinn

If you are not into jelly and the DC was kind enough to provide bananas that day, switch out the jelly for a sliced banana. And if you’re looking for something a little sweeter, add honey or Nutella.

4. Classic Quesadilla

Photo by Alex Weiner

The chicken & cheese quesadilla w/ veggies is an old friend, but if you’re feeling bold may I suggest a BBQ chicken version?

Use BBQ sauce, chicken, onions and cheese (preferably cheddar but the shredded mix is good too) to construct a not-so-boring Quesadilla. If you have time/are avoiding the Mag, chop the chicken and onions and sprinkle them evenly. If not, throw it all in there, it will still taste good.

5. Pizza Quesadilla

Photo by Nicole Witte


6. PB & Banana Quesadilla

Photo by Alex Won

Similar to the grilled PB&B but quesadilla form. The same #spoontip applies, add honey!

7. Rice Krispies

Photo by Phoebe Melnick

The Panini press is popular amongst DC goers, so if you are too hungry to wait, the lovely microwave is your friend. The most popular microwave concoction is some version of rice crispies. If you are feeling adventurous, mix up your marshmallow & crispies cereal with peanut butter, nutella, chocolate chips or different types of cereal.

8. Y/G Cup

Photo by Maggie Harriman

Here we have a food option that do not require operating machinery. A favorite Sunday morning snack is the y/g cup. A layer of yogurt on the bottom, followed by granola, and topped off with banana. If you feel like adding extra flavors, try craisins, raisins, chocolate chips, Oreos, apple, or anything else your heart desires.

Last, but certainly not least…

9. Oatmeal

Photo by Gabby Phi

Oatmeal will forever be a faithful friend to all. While you can mix almost anything into oatmeal, a common mixture is choco-banana oatmeal. Preferably in a mug, make original oatmeal with two parts hot water, one part milk and stir until you reach desired consistency. Quickly add a layer of chocolate chips (they should melt) and then chopped banana on top. If you are feeling frisky, you can also throw in peanut butter, apples, or raisins.

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Have suggestions? Did I miss a hugely important concoction? Send us suggestions for a DC Hacks, part 2 article!

Until then, feast on, Fords!

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