
9 Foods That Can Help You Get Tan This Summer

Everyone knows the struggle to get the tan you’ve always wanted. Hours in the sun and yet you’re still pretty pale. Maybe you “scored” a lousy sunburn that makes sleeping at night almost impossible. Instead of breaking your bank with spray tans and tanning beds, head to your local farmer’s market for these tan-inducing foods.

The secret is in the beta-Carotene. According to recent studies, these beta-Carotenes increase skin pigmentation by boosting the bodies vitamin A production, leading to that perfect glow without even having to step foot in the sun.

If that’s not enough for you, these foods are also known to reduce the signs of aging with their powerful antioxidants all while providing flavors you won’t be able to ignore. Now that’s multi-tasking to the max.


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The succulent, tropical fruit is loaded with beta-Carotenes which can be converted to vitamin A and impart a natural glow to your skin. It already contains the most vitamin A per serving than any other fruit too.


Photo by Anthony Nomakeo

Apples can help increase production of melanin, the pigment that gives hair, skin, and eyes their color.


Photo by Anthony Nomakeo

Tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene which is stored in the fat just beneath the skin to mimic a tan.


Photo by Sarah Strohl

A combination of beta-Carotenes, potassium and magnesium will give you a tan and protect your skin from UV radiation damage.


Photo by Anthony Nomakeo

The citric acid increases collagen production helping to brighten and firm up your skin.


Photo by Anthony Nomakeo

Skip the beta-Carotenes because eggs are already high in vitamin A.

Cottage Cheese

Photo by Anthony Nomakeo

An antidote to dry skin, cottage cheese contains many essential minerals that bring out the natural shine in skin.


Photo by Clark Halpern

Hazelnuts have lots of vitamin E which hydrates and makes the skin look visibly radiant.


Photo by Viola Spahiu

Tanning products use the carotenes from carrots so, why not just eat them and get a tan?

While the health field scrambles to debunk or prove the dangers of outdoor and indoor tanning, of which many results are contradicting, here are a few fun facts about tanning that you can impress your friends with.

1) Having bronze skin was not vogue until 1923 when Coco Chanel first appeared in a Paris fashion show after returning from a vacation on a yacht with a tan. In fact, having ghostly white skin was seen as more attractive in the earlier ages.

2) The man who invented Corn Flakes also happened to create the first incandescent light bath or today’s tanning bed. Mister John Kellogg that would be.

3) Sunscreen of SPF 15 was first introduced to consumers in 1986 and SPF 30 in the late 90’s.

Want to know more about foods that do more than fill you up? Look no further: