
8 Things That Wouldn’t Exist Without Chocolate

Chocolate is everywhere. It’s in the drinks we love, the snacks we crave and the emotional support we inevitably need. But what if that pint of ice cream, that package of Double Stuf Oreos and that burning desire for antioxidants didn’t exist? Here’s a list of 8 things we would miss if chocolate hadn’t graced this Earth:

Photo by Peter Yu

1. S’mores: Without the sweet addition of a hunk of chocolate covered in melted marshmallow and sandwiched between two graham crackers, the mosquito bites by the campfire just aren’t worth it.

2. Nutella: Made from a combination of “roasted hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa” …oh we get the hint, the chocolate is what makes it so addictive.

Photo by Peter Yu

3. Cocoa Pebbles (or Puffs or Krispies): Without chocolate as an integral ingredient to these cereals, our breakfast experiences would have been drastically lacking as children (and college students).

4. Mocha Coffee: When our eyelids start to get heavy, we require this extra kick of sugar in our coffee to power us through late nights and early mornings.

5. “Chocolate” by The 1975: The most popular song of this up and coming alternative/indie rock band never would have been inspired, and the world could always use a new British boy band.

6. Hershey Park: The Hershey Factory and adjoining amusement park in Pennsylvania are renowned for their enticing treats showcased during tours at the factory (and for their equally sweet roller coasters and rides at the park).

Photo by Peter Yu

7. Willy Wonka: This series of books and film adaptations from our childhood gave Johnny Depp another leading role and allowed us to enter a world of pure imagination.

8. The Best Episode of SpongeBob Ever: “Chocolate?! Did he say chocolate?” A classic episode of SpongeBob that immediately transports us to a time of elementary school re-runs and familiar images of the Krusty Krab.

Photo by Peter Yu


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