
The 7 Day Workout Plan

This 7 day workout plan will shock your muscles and get that spring break bod that you have been waiting for. 

Monday: Interval running

Start the week off strong with a hard interval workout : Depending on how comfortable you feel, do anywhere from 30-60 minutes of any type of cardio.  Whether it is running, spinning, elliptical or swimming, change up the speeds and intensity ( 5 mins- sprints, 3 mins- slow pace; 7 mins- high intensity, 4 mins- slow pace etc.)

Tuesday: Toning

Take a rest from cardio and tone that body. Do reps of either squats, push-ups, leg lifts, planks, crunches, lunges or Russian twists (or all of them if you are feeling extra motivated).

Wednesday: Spin 

Shock the body again with an intense spinning class. There are many 40- 60 minute spinning classes (soul cycle, flywheel, peloton or an indoor bike). If you don't have access to a class or are running on a budget, you can always find an indoor or outdoor bike and change up the speed and intensity to shock your leg muscles and get that sweat going!!

Thursday: Pilates

Tone the muscles you created yesterday.  You can use these workouts if you don't have access to a pilates class.

Friday:  Long distance, slow run

A nice, long leisurely run will give you time to think about the past week and the upcoming weekend. Whether it is outside or on the treadmill, with a friend or by yourself, a long, slow run will help you strengthen your endurance.

Saturday: Long walk

Wake up to a nice scenic walk with your friend and talk about the night before while still maintaining your heart rate.

Sunday: Yoga 

Nothing too harsh, just relax before you start the week again: stretch, unbend and do some downward dog.

By changing up your routine, you are working different parts of your body and creating muscle.  It's important to change from high to low intensity, from cardio to stretching, from weight lifting to yoga.  Shocking your body will leave you with the results you have always wanted and get you ready for those spring break instas you're dreaming about.

Good luck and work those muscles.