
6 Reasons Why S'Mores Are the Best Summer Treat

The school year is approaching, and that means I am squeezing every last drop out of summer. From spending time with friends to enjoying the sunny weather, I am packing the days full of summer activities. One summer essential is S'mores. I can say without a doubt that S'mores are the best summer treat, but if you don't believe me, here is some proof. 

1. It usually means you are in the outdoors

Unless you are faking it with a stove top, s'mores are usually made over a campfire which means you are outside. Nighttime outside brings out some of the most beautiful views and you can even try and look for a shooting star while you munch on your marshmallow-y treat.

2. You are surrounded by friends and family

Campfires are rarely made alone. If there is a campfire there is a high likely-hood that you are with good friends or family. Campfires are the perfect place to catch up with those closest to you. Hopefully, someone brings a guitar because there is nothing like a good campfire song. 

3. They are delicious when you make them your own or if you keep them classic

There is nothing wrong with a classic graham cracker, chocolate, marshmallow s'more– in fact it's all right, but you can always change it up if you're feeling adventurous. Make them with fancy marshmallows, add fruit or change out the graham cracker for a cookie or donut. 

4. It means it's summer

No school or commitment, summer is the time to relax and enjoy. There is nothing like a campfire and sweet treat to remind you that it's that amazing time of the year. 

5. ...but you can have them all year long

Even when summer ends, you can always relive those amazing memories with s'more's inspired dishes. S'mores cookie? You betcha. Holiday themed S'mores?  Mhhmmm. S'mores brownie? Hell ya. 

6. They taste amazing

This was pretty obvious, but s'mores are clearly the best because they taste amazing. They are crunchy, sweet and a little chocolatey. I want s'more! 

Summers come and go, but this sweet treat will always remain a classic and a favorite. Maybe next year I can get my marshmallow to that perfect golden brown.