
6 Healthy Gas Station Snacks You Need for Your Next Road Trip

As the end of school is quickly approaching, it can feel urgent to get some fresh air and take a road trip to get a little distance from campus. A crucial part of road trips is the part where you’re parked at a rest stop or a gas station. If we’re being honest, most of us get pretty excited when we see our favorite fast food station on the exit sign, as our taste buds are suddenly overcome with a craving for French fries dipped in an Oreo McFlurry.

The occasional fast food isn’t bad, and some might even say it’s necessary for the soul. But as those road trips become more frequent, eating a few double cheeseburgers every weekend isn’t exactly the healthiest road to travel down. Try following these suggestions the next time you’re perusing through the aisles of the gas station.

1. Vita Coco Latte

Photo courtesy of @vitacococafeuk on Instagram

Ditch the skinny soy gingerbread mocha latte and opt for Vita Coco’s latte, a healthy and delicious alternative to the sugar and calorie loaded coffee shop options. While the brand is mostly known for their original or fruit-flavored coconut water, a less known flavor is their café latte. Whether you choose vanilla, mocha, or original, this natural pick-me-up is the perfect combination of espresso, coconut water, and milk.

 2. Bark Thins

Photo courtesy of @barkthins on Instagram

If you’re like me and you have a relentless sweet tooth, it’s only a matter of time until you start craving a treat to take your mind off the monotonous view of the highway. Bark Thins are the ideal answer to satisfy your cravings without feeling guilty. Non-GMO and fair trade certified, these dark chocolate snacks come in a variety of flavors. The sea salt and almond variety is a personal favorite, but there are six other options to choose from.

3. Purely Elizabeth Granola Packs

Photo courtesy of @purely_elizabeth on Instagram

Eat it by the handful, or add milk and make it a portable bowl of cereal. Whichever you choose, don’t miss out on this gem. If the gas station has a mini healthy section, you’ll find it hanging there. These tiny bags of granola come in four flavors, but all of them are packed with nutrition and meet both vegan and gluten-free diets.

4. Sabra Hummus and Pretzel Packs

Photo courtesy of @glitterfied_phoenix on Instagram

Hummus has a well-earned spot at the top of health food discourse because it’s a delicious and easy way to fuel up with protein. Sabra has made it super convenient to grab some hummus on the go with these snack-sized packs that include a serving of pretzels. Cheaper than most other healthy options, this is a great source of energy if you’re not in the mood for a caffeine buzz.

5. Jerky

Photo courtesy of @kravejerky on Instagram

Walk into a gas station and there’s a pretty good chance the first thing you’ll see is jerky. You no longer have to reduce yourself to teriyaki BBQ mystery meat, as gourmet jerky is the hottest new foodie trend. High in protein and low in fat, gourmet jerky serves the leanest cuts of meat for maximum health benefits. Krave’s Cabernet and Rosemary beef jerky is a personal favorite, but other brands such as Epic and Primal offer similarly delicious flavors and nutrition.

6. Harvest Snap Snapea Crisps

Photo courtesy of @harvestsnaps on Instagram

For the mindless snacker, these are the ideal option. Airy, light, and crispy, these baked peas are lightly seasoned and loaded with nutritional benefits, including protein, fiber, and iron. Don’t feel bad when your hand scrapes the bottom of the bag – these crisps are a guilt-free car ride companion.

Do yourself a favor. Walk away from the rotating heated rack of hot dogs slowly dripping grease. Maintain your self-respect, and respect your body with these delicious and healthy options. Rather than letting the hours drag past as the yellow lines turn into a blur outside of you window, fuel up for the next karaoke jam session with these snacks and enjoy the ride.

Interested in reading more on snacking? Read these posts for more information: