
11 Times Being a Coffee Addict Made You Feel Like Kim K

Kim Kardashian. You either love her or hate her. Regardless of your opinion of Kim, everyone can agree she’s a drama queen. For anyone who’s addicted to coffee, like myself, you can agree that there is a time and a place for drama, and that’s when it involves coffee.

Too hot? Too cold? Bae brought it to you? You didn’t have any this morning and can’t function? Yep. These are all reasons why you should get a little Kim Kardashian on the world.

And now Kim’s here to tell the world what it’s like to be addicted to coffee.

1. When you can’t stay awake in class because there wasn’t time to grab coffee before.

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There is nothing worse than having to sit through an 8 am lecture if you didn’t have caffeine beforehand. If you’re addicted, you know that waking up 10 minutes earlier is always worth it, because it means you have time to go to your local cafe.

2. When bae surprises you with your favorite drink.

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Okay, so coffee may not be a diamond engagement ring (from Kanye West). But coffee lovers sure aren’t gold diggers and we would much rather have bae surprise us with coffee (but if you wanna add a ring too, that’s chill).

3. When the barista makes your drink wrong.

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I’m sorry (not sorry), but how hard is it to make my non-fat, 2 extra shots, 1 pump sugar-free, almond milk, vanilla, light foam, extra hot cappuccino? At least spell my name right if you can’t make the drink correctly.

4. When the barista calls your name because your drink is ready.

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This is always one of the best moments in the day for a coffee addict. Now it’s only a matter of time before you come back for your mid-day coffee break.

5. When your roommate asks if you want coffee.

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Roommates, or really anyone for that matter, who ask you this are the best people to keep around. Anyone who brings you your caffeine kick deserves the “best friend” label.

6. When you haven’t had caffeine all day and you have no idea what you are doing.

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This is no exaggeration. Coffee addicts without their coffee are just like Kim… they have no clue what they are doing. I once took a test without drinking any coffee that day… let’s just say I never made that mistake again.

7. When the barista knows you… and your order.

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Ah… there is nothing more beautiful than having the barista know your order. This is also when you realize you’re addicted (if you don’t already know). The moment this occurs, you know your fate is sealed.

8. When your coffee is so good that you instantly feel like you rule the world.

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We’ve all had that one cup of coffee that is just too good to be true. After you finish, you feel unstoppable. Forget Kim Kardashian, you’re Kim Possible.

9. When your drink is either too hot, too cold, too sweet, or too bitter.


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This moment is never a fun one. If it’s too hot, you have a burned tongue and won’t be able to taste anything for a week.

If your coffee is too cold, you have to find the nearest microwave and accept the fact that it won’t be as good as it could’ve been. If it’s bitter (the least of your worries), then add some sugar or these cool spoons. If your coffee is too sweet… you’re out of luck. Throw that sucker out.

10. When coffee is the only thing that can calm you down.

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All it takes to calm down and be inspired when you are addicted to coffee is just that, coffee. Coffee instantly inspires, calms, and lifts your spirit. It is all you need and know.

11. When you tell yourself that you are going to stop drinking it.

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Who are you kidding? The task of giving up this delicious caffeinated beverage is not possible. Every day you are going to say the same thing, “I’ll start tomorrow.” So stop lying to yourself and go drink a latte. In fact, you should never stop, here’s why (go science).

Now you probably want coffee more than ever. If so check these coffee related articles out: