
10 Items You Need to Get Through Finals Week

1. To-Do List for Finals Week

Having a To-Do List during finals week, and leading up to finals week, is one of the most important things you can have because it clearly lays out what you need to get done. It's easy just to print a blank calendar and fill in all your due dates, exam dates, and when you plan to study for what. Nothing beats the feeling of crossing off all of your things-to-do as you move through your schedule. So satisfying!

2. Colorful Writing Utensils

There is nothing worse than staring at a bland and boring study guide. I recommend investing in some colorful pens, colored pencils, or markers just to brighten up your note-taking during finals season. @studynamite on Instagram has incredible study guides (though they look really time consuming and artistically out of my league). All you need to do is add color to your studying in whatever which way! Color makes studying during finals week more fun!

3. A Study Spot

I cannot stress enough how important it is to find a place that you like to study at! Whether you like the view out the window, the ~natural light~ in the room, or the comfy chair you should be studying in a place that works for you. I know that I do not like to study around a bunch of my friends because I get distracted, so I like to find more remote places around campus and in the library. Find out what works best for your study habits so you can be the most productive you can during ~finals szn~.

4. Library Bag

*computer is dying* *looks in bag* *forgot charger* This is the WORST series of events that could ever happen during finals week. You can never bring too much stuff with you to study. I recommend bringing a bag full of all the essentials that you could possibly need while you are studying. Chargers, snacks, sweatshirt, gum, chapstick, hand cream...if it fits in your bag and you think you may need it then bring it. Better safe than sorry! 

5. (Mostly) Healthy Snacks

During finals week some people tend to stress eat and start bingeing on unhealthy candy, chocolate, and chips. I like to eat granola bars while studying because they are easy to pack in your ~study bag~ and are healthy (for the most part). Here is a list to 75 healthy snack ideas that will help you get through finals. It is important to keep eating during finals week because you need to stay healthy in order to perform the best on exams. But, during this stressful time, #treatyoself to some dessert or something that you're craving. You deserve it!

6. Vitamin C

Keep your body healthy! I recommend taking Vitamin C pills every day to try and fight off any looming colds that may be coming your way during this finals season. Also, if you are not getting enough sleep because you are sick, take NyQuil. It will help you get a good night's sleep so that you will not fall asleep during your exams! During finals week, you may not feel that you have time/want to go to the gym but, all it takes is 20 minutes of exercise to refocus your mind. Going to the gym can be a very productive study break during finals week. 

7. SelfControl App

If you are like every other college student you definitely get distracted by texts, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and the internet in general. If you really have to study there is an app for your computer (and phone) called SelfControl that allows you to block whatever websites and apps you want for however long you want. This is good for if you want to ~grind~ for an hour with no distractions. The app gives you motivational sayings, pictured above, and has a little timer in the corner telling you how much time before you can access the websites you chose to block. Finals week is definitely a time that you need to be your most focused so help yourself out and try SelfControl.    

8. Take Breaks

DO NOT keep yourself hostage studying all day! It is not productive to force yourself to study for hours on end during finals week. There have been many studies done that show studying in short bursts (20-60 mins) then taking a short break (10-20 mins) is the most effective way to study. So, you should have a few shows or some other activities to do as a mental break from your books. I LOVE the show Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon Prime Video). It's hilarious and a good show to give yourself a break. Don't forget the classics like The Office, Parks and Rec, and New Girl. Or even some more low-key shows like The Great British Bakeoff or House Hunters. Coloring books are also very relaxing and easy to throw into your study bag! 

9. Cozy Clothes to Study In

During finals week you will probably be studying for a good portion of each day. I would recommend that you wear something that you are comfortable in and that you have layers. There is no telling whether the study space you are in is going to be hot or cold and if it will fluctuate during the day. So, your best bet is to wear something that you can adjust to the temperature. You want to focus on your studying during finals week and not whether you are hot or cold! 

10. Headspace Meditation App

During finals week you are bound to get a little stressed. Headspace is an app that has guided meditations to help you destress. I think that it is important to stay mentally stable during finals week. The more relaxed you are the better!