
How to Make Molten Lava Cake

Orange infused molten lava cake with pumpkin cream is a delicious and innovative fall dessert. Impress your guests by quickly whipping together this gourmet dessert.

By Agneeta Thacker and Aric Barrow

Orange Infused Molten Lava Cake with Pumpkin Cream from Northwestern Spoon Magazine on Vimeo.

Follow the video with the steps below:

Orange Infused Molten Lava Cake with Pumpkin Cream

2 oz of bittersweet chocolate (I used one that had orange peel)
3 tablespoons oil (any oil, I used olive oil)
1 whole egg
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon of flour (any flour will work, I used almond flour)
1/2 tablespoon of sugar
2 4 oz ramekins, buttered/oiled/sprayed
1 small scoop of ice cream
2 tablespoons pumpkin puree
Slivered almonds, to serve

1)   Preheat the oven to 450ºF.
2)   In a microwave-safe bowl, melt together the chocolate and the oil in 15 second intervals.
3)   In a separate bowl, mix the egg, yolk and sugar until pale and frothy.
4)   Add in the chocolate mixture slowly, so as to not curdle the eggs.
5)   Whisk in the flour.
6)   Divide between the ramekins and bake for 6 minutes.
7)   While it’s in the oven, fold the pumpkin into the ice cream.
8)   Top the finished cakes with a dollop of the pumpkin mixture and the almonds.