
How to Get Drunk While Doing Yoga

Ever feel stressed at a pregame? I have the solution for you. Try a little yoga, but WAIT… don’t put down your glass. With this mind-blowing duo, you can keep up with your friend’s drink tally and still do a little Utkatasana at the party.

Disclaimer: These moves are totally vegan, BPA free, gluten-free, USDA approved, totally organic, and cruelty free (*except for your liver). 

1. The first shot is the hardest, so let’s start simple

Photo by Theresa Adams

Lotus PositionPadmasana, AKA criss cross apple *shots.* This is a simple warm up – both physically and mentally. Let’s start to prepare you body by stretching those hips, taking at least one shot, and preparing your mind and body for the alcohol that is to come.

2. Bring flexibility to the spine and the “quality” beer will go right down

Photo by Theresa Adams

CAT-COWMarjaryasana, Bitilasana. If you must, channel your inner J Bieb’s “Sorry” backup dancer as inspiration. Really visualize yourself crawling across the dance floor to achieve that perfect arch.

3. Pro tip: get a bendy straw for the Vinyasa Flow

Photo by Maggie Gilligan

Downward-Facing Dog: Adho Mukha Svanasana. You should be fairly tipsy by now, so your confidence in your poses should be building. As a modification from this flow, feel free to break form to drink more.

4. You are a weekend warrior, so keep chugging

Photo by Theresa Adams

Warrior PoseVirabhadrasana II. The warrior sequence is meant to really ground and connect you to the Earth beneath you. However, this is NOT to be confused with literally bringing you to the ground. Try your best to stay on your feet, don’t give up on your practice now – PACE YOURSELF.

4. Raise that glass to the sky

Photo by Maggie Gilligan

Tree Pose: Vriksasana. This is a great opportunity to just “OHMM” it out. OHMM-sip-OHMM-sip. Get the pattern? Now go.

5. Get totally twisted (tea)

Photo by Maggie Gilligan

Eagle PoseGarudasana. While your friends are all playing slap cup, you are just hanging in the corner like “HEY, look how bendy I am! How impressed are you?!”

6. Victory pose after successful beer pong cup

Photo by Kristie Ryan

Extended hand to big toeUtthita Hasta Padangusthasana. You could say you are truly ready to party at this point. Your body is feeling bendy, your head is in the game, keep dranking.

7. Too much alcohol, take a seat

Photo by Maggie Gilligan

Chair PoseUtkatasana. Sometimes you just gotta sit down. It is okay to give your body what it needs, especially in a time such as this where you’re pushing your body to the limit.

8. Time for a partner yoga sequence

Photo by Maggie Gilligan

Upward Bow PoseChakrasana. I dare you to try drinking from this angle. If you fulfill this, you go. That is really going above and beyond in this yoga practice.

9. Align those chakras. Pronounced: [SHOT-kras]

Photo by Theresa Adams

Toe StandPadangusthasana. This is when your true zen will kick in. Really concentrate on your breathing – in and out, in and out – this will help you to find your center but also help you to not throw up.

10. Blood rushes to head as the alcohol really kicks in

Photo by Theresa Adams

Tripod Handstand: Sirsasana II. This pose is extremely beneficial for your upper body as well as your core strength. And, if the room is spinning while doing it, it will challenge those muscles even more!

11. Namasté

Photo by Kristie Ryan

Corpse Pose: Shavasana…or maybe just drunk-vasana. Palms face the sky, ankles fall open, just relax. Remember your intentions and reflect on the progress you have made in your practice.

CONGRATULATIONS! You are now more flexible than when you began, and you’re drunk. Reward yourself with some more alcohol.

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