
How Long Will My Food Stay Fresh?

We ask this question far too often when opening the fridge for a glass of milk. Let’s face it — in college it’s hard enough to keep track of due dates for papers, let alone expiration dates. Here is a guide to make a quick decision: “Keep it or toss it?”


Refrigerator: 3-5 weeks


Pantry: 1-3 days
Refrigerator: 3-4 weeks

Photo by Lily Allen


Pantry: 2-5 days
Refrigerator: 5-7 days
Freezer: 2-3 months

Photo by Devon Carlson


Refrigerator: 2-3 days
Freezer: 10-12 months

Photo by Devon Carlson


Refrigerator: 1 week after “sell-by” date
Freezer: 3 months

Photo by Hannah Lin


Refrigerator: 1 week after opening
Freezer: 8-12 months

Photo by Hannah Lin


Refrigerator: 7-10 days after “sell-by” date
Freezer: 1-2 months

Photo by Hannah Lin


Pantry: 5-7 days after printed date
Refrigerator: 6 months

Photo by Hannah Lin

Potato Chips

Opened: 1-2 weeks
Unopened: 2 months

Photo by Hannah Lin

Chicken/Other Meat (Raw)

Refrigerator: 1-2 days
Freezer: 9 months

Chicken/Other Meat (Cooked)

Refrigerator: 3-4 days
Freezer: 4 months

To find more information regarding the amount of time other products remain fresh, click here.