
Hot Chocolate Hacks to Get you Through the Winter

Winter is just around the corner, and that means that we can drink hot chocolate whenever we want. However, after a while, hot chocolate can get boring. These hot chocolate hacks will help you break the monotony and bring excitement back into your life. 

Taking your hot chocolate to the next stage can be as simple as using milk instead of water, or using higher quality hot chocolate, but that takes lots of time and can be expensive. These hacks will try to keep you on a budget while being quick and easy at the same time.

Number 1: Add spice

The easiest way to spice up anything is to literally spice it up! While this does not necessarily mean spicy, that is always an option. Adding cinnamon, ginger, or even cayenne if you like some heat can change your drink drastically. With so many different spices that exist, there are never-ending possibilities. Be warned, not all spices or combinations will taste good. 

Number 2: Something sweet

If spices aren't your cup of hot chocolate, so to speak, you could also try adding in a shot of maple syrup or honey. A little bit is all you need to add a hint of maple, or a fruit based honey for even more variety.

Another tasty trick is adding a little bit of peanut butter into your drink. This works best with really hot water or milk so that the peanut butter melts. 

Number 3: Garnish

Adding a garnish to your hot chocolate will not only make it look better, but it will make it taste better as well. Putting whipped cream on your drink gives it some extra creaminess, and can cool your drink down. Regular whipped cream could be swapped out for chocolate whipped cream which can be made rather simply if you are unable to buy it at a grocery store. 

Once you have whipped cream, your possibilities are endless. You could add small chocolate chips or caramel pieces, cocoa powder, chocolate syrup, cinnamon, coarse rock salt, or even candy cane pieces if they are available! Hot chocolate hacks are only limited by your imagination, and maybe your budget. 

Number 4: Other?

Not everything that you do to your hot chocolate needs to be about flavour. If you want quick hot chocolate on the go, you can always prep ahead. Pour a few tablespoons of hot chocolate mix into a thermos with some chocolate chips and marshmallows, then just go ahead and pour some hot water and milk into the thermos before you leave, give it a good shake, and you are set. 

You can use a single-cup coffee maker such as a Tassimo or Keurig to dispense hot water and avoid the hassle of a kettle, though you should check the instruction manual of your machine to get exact details on how to do so. This is usually not as hot as boiled water, but it will work for hot chocolate just as well.

If you would like a quick, easy recipe for a delicious cup of hot chocolate, check out this recipe by Parisa Soraya.

Remember, you know your tongue better than anyone else, so only you can decide what you will like. It's always fun to change things up with some hot chocolate hacks, but there is no problem with sticking to the classics that you love.