
Here’s What Your Acne Is Trying to Tell You About Your Diet

Acne. It gets the best of all of us. Whether it’s an occasional occurrence or a constant cluster nightmare, most of us think we have an idea of what causes it: hormones, bacteria, or oily skin. No matter how often we splurge on new products to scrub, treat or wash away the problem, these ugly spots always find an untimely way to pop up and take a toll on our self confidence.

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However, there might still be a solution to this problem- and it’s way older and more effective than any of the expensive products you can buy at Sephora. It’s a technique called Face Mapping, and derives from ancient Ayurveda and Chinese medicinal practices.

Face Mapping suggests that in order to find out what’s causing our breakouts, we need to pay attention to their specific location. The surface of our face can be divided into fourteen zones, each one corresponding to a different organ. When one of these areas suddenly breaks out, it means that its partner organ is malfunctioning and malnourished.

By analyzing our own faces with this “map” of zones, we can not only find out what is causing a certain breakout, but also fix any underlying internal problems that we don’t yet know about.

Sound difficult? It’s easier than you think. Here’s the breakdown:

Forehead: Digestive System

Breakouts here can signify constipation or that you’re overindulging on fatty foods. To clear this area up, focus on cutting back on comfort foods with a lot of sugar.

Between the Brows: Liver

Oil or redness between the brows could mean an overactive liver. Try to limit the amount of alcohol and fatty foods that you consume.

Around the Ears: Kidneys

Ears can get hot or red when your kidney is having trouble doing its job. To calm the redness, avoid excessive caffeinated beverages and alcohol.

Cheeks: Stomach and Colon

Breakouts and puffiness in this area mean digestive issues and poor metabolism. Add more fruits and green veggies to your diet to balance it out!

Eyes: Kidneys

Darkness around the eyes is indicative of dehydration and lack of sleep. This could also signify a problem in the way your body handles fats, oils and carbs.

Nose: Heart

Any breakouts here means you need to reduce the amount of animal fat and protein in your diet. Try eating more healthy fats like avocados and olives.

Chin: Hormones

Zits in this area may signify that you are overstressed and eating poorly. Take a break, get some sleep, and drink plenty of water!

Next time you get a nasty breakout or spot a zit, try to remember your face map- your body might be trying to tell you something! Maybe even up your water and veggie intake to prevent any future acne and adjust accordingly. Flawless skin has never been so achievable!

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