
Extra Edits That Will Up Your Instagram Game

You need to up your Instagram game. With over 800 million users and 30,000 photos posted every minute, content has become played-out and monotonous. The simple filters and common subjects that worked in the past are simply no longer enough to keep your Instagram double-tap-worthy.

If you don't have an artistic bone in your body don't panic. There are plenty of users mentioned here to draw inspiration from and just as many apps to help you create your visions.

Don't be dull. Bless your followers with original, artistic content and make your post impossible to scroll past by incorporating some of these extra Instagram edits. 

Make it "3D" or "Glitch"

Like many other old trends, the lo-fi 90's look is back on the radar again. Besides aggressively upping the grain on every picture, this look can be achieved through filters that mimic what a 3D screen looks like without the 3D glasses.

The basic idea is layering different colored versions of the picture on top of each other. Thankfully, apps such Glitché, VHS Photo App, or any 3D effect app can do this for us with the click of a button. 

Add Some Doodles

Doodles can be dangerous. If overdone or done poorly this edit can look like a pre-schooler wreaked havoc on your photo with a white marker. However, check out celebrity Instagrammers such as Adelaine Morin, shown above, for inspiration.

This is a sure fire way to up your Instagram game. It enables personal flair and artistic touch to be incorporated into each post, setting them aside from the rest.

Once again, there are dozens of apps and YouTube tutorials to help you become a doodling professional. Picsart or even Snapchat and Instagram itself provide drawing features.

Pull a "Kelly Maker"

Australian artist and Instagram celebrity Kelly Maker is known for her unique collage style. By replacing the clothes on models with the background of the photo, book pages or glittery patterns she creates seamless eye catching posts. 

How can you do it? This one is a little trickier. Adobe Photoshop is your best bet. However, if you don't have access to Photoshop, hard work on a background remover or collage app can achieve the same aesthetic.

Remove or Change the Background

The bad news is that only Beyoncé can put her own name as the background to a picture and not look conceded.

The good news is that anybody can achieve this look. Just like Kelly Maker's collages, this can be done through Photoshop, a background removed app or even the "cut and paste" sticker feature on Snapchat.

Loop It

Lets be honest, we have all seen enough boomerangs of clicking wine glasses or random slight movements playing forwards and backwards... and then forwards again.

Spice up the GIF or boomerang style by changing only one aspect of the photo and loop it. Giphycam is the easiest way to create this look ,but it can also be done in Photoshop.

Its easy to fall into an Instagram rut. Break out of those basic chains and up your Instagram game with some of these artistic edits.