
7 Ways to Pimp Out Your Apple Cider

1. Chai-Spiced Cider

Enjoy the flavors of a coffeehouse favorite without the caffeine. Just add ginger, cinnamon, peppercorns, cloves, cardamom and anise to spice up your hot apple cider. Guaranteed to warm you up on a chilly fall day.

2. Caramel Macchiato Cider with Cinnamon Whipped Cream

Macchiato means “marked” in Italian and caramel definitely makes its mark in this drink. Warm up to a cup of cinnamon-scented cider that’s topped with a creamy caramel sauce. Cinnamon-flavored whipped cream melts like a piece of heaven when it’s spooned on top of this to-die-for brew.

Photo by Bari Blanga

3. Hot Buttered Rum with Cider

Hot buttered rum is a typical fall favorite, but if it’s too strong and heavy for you, give it a tart twist with apple cider. It’s a perfect pairing, really, combining warm spices with dark rum and fresh apple flavor.

4. Apple Shandy

A shandy is a classic drink that mixes beer and another carbonated beverage, usually ginger ale or a citrus-flavored soda. For fall, combine a light beer and apple cider, plus a small kick of lemon. This is great when made in big batches and served ice-cold.

5. Cinnamon-Vanilla Cider with Maple Whipped Cream

Fill your home or dorm room with the aroma of cinnamon-spiced cider and you’ll know it’s fall. Not convinced? Top it off with a dollop of whipped cream that’s laced with pure maple syrup.

Photo by Lindsey Law

6. Apple Cider Float

Floats are not just for root beer. Top off a half ginger ale, half cider drink with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream and you’ll have a frothy confection that you’ll want to marry.

7. Iced Tea with Cider, Mint and Honey

Apple cider removes some of the bitterness of black tea. Combine it with fresh mint and a dash of honey, and you’ve got a refreshing twist on your basic iced tea.

Photo by Bari Blanga

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